Posts Tagged ‘michael sheen’

A 100 Reasons why I HATE Twilight.

Actually, there is only 10, but I figured a 100 would get your attention. I am sure if I could be arsed to read more than the first two books I would probably make it to a 100 no worries. Do feel free to add your own in the comments. I also realise I have […]

May the Shinest Sheen win!

And I think… he has! For those wondering what on earth I am wittering on about, there has been an epic battle on Twitter between a Fake Michael Sheen and a Real Michael Sheen. The faker made the mistake of obsessing a little too much about New Moon (the Twilight sequel that Michael will shortly […]


Today I received a good email. Hidden away among the rest of the flotsam and jetsam that is my infrequently visited inbox, was an email from the AAT. It seems that I have passed my final exam, and am now eligible to apply for full membership therefore allowing the letters MAAT after my name. For […]

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